Best Security is larger, stronger and better equipped to service the Security Industry with an infrastructure of dedicated departments, including Client Service, Compliance, Human Resources, Training and Development and Finance. The current model of “one hat fits all” that other companies deliver, is archaic. Legislative changes and increased scrutiny on the Security Industry is both welcomed and embraced by Best Security as we continue on our journey to be the best crowd control organisation in Queensland. Our “commitment to excellence” enables us to ensure we are the firm Clients want to partner with into the future.
Best Security provides an exceptional service, including:
  • A Client Service Team of professional and experienced individuals.
  • 24/7 availability to meet Client requirements.
  • Superior compliance with legislative requirements, achieved through active interaction with Liquor Licensing, Office of Fair Trading and the Queensland Police Service.
  • Qualified internal expertise, with dedicated time and resources allocated to developing, implementing and auditing solutions for Clients.
  • An extensive infrastructure with dedicated departments, such as Client Services, Human Resources, Compliance, Training, Rostering and Finance.
  • Access to over 200 personnel.